1 week left!

Hey folks,

Just a brief update from me ahead of this final push - the game is looking to be in pretty good condition now! We're wrapping up any last issues or todos that worried us, and are now fully into the last-bits-of-polish phase.

I'll be looking to push one final Demo build update at some point in the next few days, which has:

  • performance improvements,
  • some new art,
  • some writing fixes
  • and various key bug fixes

There's still a few pressing issues I'm looking to address before release, but as of typing? I now have a proper release candidate that I'd be happy to ship, so here's to 7 more days before the big release!

(Hopefully you lot don't find any major bugs once it finally does huh? ๐Ÿ˜…)

Happy fixing.


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